Past Events

On the weekend of April 5-7, FIU's Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Chapter hosted their second annual national mock trial tournament. With the help of the chapter advisor Professor Juan Saiz, an experienced attorney and criminal justice professor, the tournament has grown into the largest undergraduate mock trial tournament while being the only one of its kind.
The tournament boasted 16 different teams from schools all across the country including the University of Florida, Stony Brook University, Texas Tech, Florida Atlantic University, Florida State University, and Temple University. Prowling Panthers has grown into a respected, and nationally recognized tournament thanks to all of its competitors and its sponsors. The tournament received sponsorships from many different entities including the FIU Honors College, The Right Law Firm, The Mosely Firm, and JurisEducation.
The interest from all of these different sponsors and universities can be accredited to the format of the tournament and how it is run. FIU has adopted a system where no judge can know where the teams they are judging are from. This limits the possibility of any bias or favoritism towards any specific school, therefore allowing the best teams to advance. As a result, students can learn from experienced attorneys and judges and gain invaluable feedback to prepare them for their own legal careers. As time goes on, Prowling Panthers will continue to grow and host some of the best pre-law students in the country.