Besiki Luka Kutateladze


Areas of Expertise

Performance Indicators | Prosecution | Racial Justice | Equality and Rule of Law


Ph.D., Graduate Center of the CUNY, Criminal Justice, 2008
M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice, 2005
J.D., Kutaisi State University, Republic of Georgia, 1999


Office: PCA-364A
Phone: 305.348.4892
Twitter: @BesikiLuka
CV: Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Besiki Luka Kutateladze is a professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. He is also a founder and co-manager of Prosecutorial Performance Indicators (PPIs), a national research and technical assistance project focusing on prosecutorial reform.

Prof. Kutateladze specializes in performance indicators, prosecutorial discretion, racial disparities, and hate crime reporting and prosecution. His scholarship has been featured in many top-tier publications, including solo- and first-author articles in each of the field’s three flagship journals: Criminology, Justice Quarterly, and Law & Human Behavior. His work has been referenced by The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Miami Herald, The Tampa Bay Times, The Orlando Sentinel, The Huffington Post, and The Crime Report.

Prof. Kutateladze has raised over $21m in research funds. This includes $9m+ while at FIU, since 2016. He served as a principal investigator (PI) on multiple National Institute of Justice-funded projects.

In 2019, the FIU Provost named Prof. Kutateladze FIU’s Top Scholar for Research. In 2021, he received a prestigious FIU Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Activity.

Prior to his appointment at FIU, Prof. Kutateladze was the founding research director at the Institute for State and Local Governance (ISLG) of the City University of New York. Before that, Prof. Kutateladze served as the research director for the Prosecution and Racial Justice Program of the Vera Institute of Justice. From 2008 to 2013, he played a crucial role in the development of the United Nations Rule of Law Indicators and their implementation in Haiti and Liberia. Prior to that, Prof. Kutateladze taught courses on comparative criminal justice and statistics at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and lectured and conducted research on criminal procedure at Tbilisi State University.

In 2002, Prof. Kutateladze was the U.S. State Department fellow from the Republic of Georgia.

Select Publications

King, R. D., & Kutateladze, B. L. (2023). A higher bar: Institutional impediments to hate crime prosecution. Law & Society Review57(4), 489-507. DOI:10.1111/lasr.12685

Kutateladze, B. L., & Liu, L. (2023). Is Internalized Racism One More Piece of the Puzzle in Racial Disparities in Prosecution?. Justice Quarterly40(5), 725-743.

Kutateladze, B. L. (2022). Hate crime victimization and reporting within Miami’s queer Latine immigrant population. Law and Human Behavior, 46(6), 429–439.

Kutateladze, B. L., Dunlea, R. R., Liu, L., & Arndt, M. (2022). A test of the bifurcation hypothesis in prosecutorial diversion. Criminology & Public Policy, 21(2), 359-378.

Kutateladze, B. L. (2022). Acting “straight”: Socio-behavioral consequences of anti-queer hate crime victimization. Justice Quarterly, 39(5), 1036-1058.

Liu, L., Dunlea, R. R., & Kutateladze, B. L. (2022). Time for Time: Uncovering Case Processing Duration as a Source of Punitiveness. Crime & Delinquency68(9), 1375-1401.

Palmer, N. A., & Kutateladze, B. L. (2021). What prosecutors and the police should do about underreporting of anti-LGBTQ hate crime. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 19, 1190–1204.

Kutateladze, B. L. (2018). Tracing charge trajectories: A study of the influence of race in charge changes at case screening, arraignment, and disposition. Criminology, 56(1), 123-153.